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The Homiemoon Page 13
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Page 13
After watering my plants, I sat heavily on the couch and pulled the laptop onto my knees. There were a few new emails from my friends, which I ignored. I didn’t particularly care what Mikey and Tim wanted at the moment.
There were a few new posts on the forum today. I clicked them one by one, opening each in a tab. A new chapter of one of the longer fanfictions was up. I’d read that later. The author’s character development was subpar, which was a pretty big problem when I myself was a character.
Looked like there was a completely new story that’d been put up a few minutes ago. The title was strange—“Adam, If You’re Reading This.” It had no word count or list of kinks, either. I clicked it anyway.
(Author’s note: Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors. I’m not a fiction writer. This is out of my comfort zone, especially posting this online. But sometimes, doing things you’re not comfortable with is necessary.)
It all started when I made a speech after a few too many drinks. I didn’t think twice about it, and then the words were out of my mouth. If I had thought about it, I would’ve stopped myself. What better way to torture myself than to spend an entire pseudo-romantic vacation with the man of my dreams?
But then the suggestion was out there, and to my horror, everybody seemed to love it. Even complete strangers online who had no reason to take interest in my life. Apparently it got them excited about male friendship. And, though I didn’t know it at the time, they also hoped to see more than that.
After some protest, I got sucked into the idea. I couldn’t get out of it, no matter how hard I tried. I told myself it wouldn’t be so bad. I’d hang out with a friend, and I’d keep a wall up between us, and then I’d go back to normal life. That was all.
There was something different about this story. I felt like it was more honest, more genuine. For one thing, most of the fiction on the site had us going at it by this far in. Maybe the writer had gone through something that let them put themselves in Calvin’s shoes. I was already seeing things in a different light than I had before.
Except this wasn’t actually real. I reminded myself of that.
The first day was a little uncomfortable. I didn’t want to let you in, even though I could see you were opening up to me. I was getting to know you on a different level than I ever had in the past decade. And the more I saw of you, the more I liked.
My heart stuttered, and I reminded myself again that this was just somebody’s fantasy. Give it another few paragraphs, and we’d be tying each other up and whipping each other’s asses.
On that very first night, you figured out something I’d never told anyone before. Something I’d never intended to tell anyone. And you were the last person I would’ve wanted to find out. I hated myself after seeing how you reacted to it… to knowing I was gay.
But once I figured out you were attracted to me, your reaction made sense in a whole new way.
How had this writer gotten these details so right? There was no way anyone could know what had happened between us. Was it a coincidence? My chest was tight, and part of me wanted to put the computer down. But I forced myself to read on.
We started to explore together. And I’m not going to go into a million dirty details of what we did. You know and I know, and without bragging, I’m fairly certain that it was as mind-blowing for you as it was for me. Lord knows it’s never been like that for me before. I never even imagined it could be that way.
For everyone who’s reading this and wanting to get off on hearing about it, mind your damn business! Go get laid yourself! This is between me and him, and you don’t need to know about it.
What was I reading? I could almost hear Calvin’s voice saying these words. But was that just wishful thinking? Any fan of ours could’ve put this together. There were coincidences, but nothing that crazy.
Anyway, getting back to what I was saying, we even managed to act like a couple for a day or so. It felt like we were on an endless date, and I’d never been happier. We were affectionate in public. We even licked each other in the middle of a restaurant. Good thing no one from this site was around, or we would’ve been exposed to the entire world.
My heart jumped—then flipped over. I’d been almost sure it was Calvin for a moment, but that last sentence made me think this was a fan who’d somehow seen us. Although what reason would a fan have to play with my mind this way?
That night was spectacular. And again, I’m not writing out the details here. Let’s just say we went well beyond the bounds of male friendship.
Calvin? Or a lucky guess?
The next day, you suggested that we do it again. I told you I couldn’t. I thought you’d know why, but maybe I was wrong.
I assumed you only wanted to fool around. I took for granted that you wouldn’t want anything more. I said no to you because I couldn’t let myself get hurt.
But Adam, if you’re reading this… I love you.
And if by some chance you feel the same, I want to be with you.
* * *
The tires screeched as I came to a stop in Calvin’s underground parking lot. I spun the wheel carelessly as I backed into an empty spot. I didn’t give a fuck if I hit another car at this point. I needed to see Calvin. Right—fucking—now.
I tapped my foot through the interminable elevator ride. It felt like I would never get to Calvin’s floor.
The doors finally burst open and I broke out in a run. His door was only a few feet down the hall and I pounded on it, breathless with the thought of seeing him again.
It stayed closed, and I took a step back, my head spinning. What if he wasn’t there at all? What if it’d been some fan who wrote that story after all? Better for him to not be there in that case, but I’d still always have to live with the memory of how I’d raced over here like a lunatic.
But no. He had to be there. He had to. I knocked again, banging my full fist against the wood.
And then it swung open and he stood there in front of me, and the fact of seeing the actual face I’d been dreaming of for so long rendered me completely speechless.
“Adam,” he said softly.
I nodded, still mute. I hadn’t planned anything for when I got over here. I really hadn’t thought this through, and now I wished I had, because with Calvin’s brown eyes staring straight into my soul, I found myself unable to even think.
“You’re here,” he said. “Does this mean…”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. I still didn’t know for sure if Calvin was the one who’d written that story, and I risked making a fool of myself if I was wrong.
But I couldn’t let that stop me. Not this time. I’d already let him believe I only wanted him sexually, and even though that was partly due to his assumptions, I hadn’t made my intentions clear either.
“I love you,” I said.
I’d meant to sound confident, and I’d had some vague plan of taking him into my arms, kissing him with all the passion I felt, the passion that had been trapped inside me for far too long.
In actuality, the words came out as barely more than a whisper. And instead of embracing him, all I could do was stand there frozen and wait for his response.
“You do?”
Slowly, carefully, I nodded. “You didn’t know?”
He shook his head, his hand floating up to take mine. He placed his other hand on top and caressed mine, gently and affectionately rather than sensually—although I felt the rush of blood to my groin nevertheless.
“You saw my story,” he said.
I pinned his hands to my chest so he could feel the beating of my heart. “I didn’t know you were a writer.”
He smiled wistfully, taking a step forward to put his arms around me. “I’m not. I needed to reach you.”
He held me like that, and I put my arms around him, my face in his neck, his nose in my hair. I could barely believe this was real, and all I wanted to do was soak in the moment. I wanted to remember every detail of this, because I already knew this was mon
umental. A watershed moment in my life, and I wanted to take the exact memory to my grave.
Except that as we stood locked together, four-legged footsteps ran up to us, and a wet nose pressed itself against my arm.
Laughing, I broke away enough to ruffle Buddy’s fur. “Hey there, little guy. I didn’t forget about you.” He panted with delight, and I smiled down at him. “You know what? I love you, too.”
“And I love you,” Calvin said, “in case I didn’t say that in person yet. I don’t know how long I’ve been loving you, but it’s been a while. I just never thought you would feel the same.”
“You silly, silly man,” I said, and pressed my lips to his.
I didn’t know exactly how we’d gotten our wires so crossed. All I knew was how happy I was that we’d finally figured things out. We could be together now, and that was the only thing I needed for the moment.
Later, I’d ask if he meant he wanted to go fully public with our relationship—if he was ready to come out to our friends and his family, and maybe more importantly, our fans. They were going to go crazy if they ever found out their predictions had been true.
But all of that could wait because his lips were on mine, and his scent was in my nose, and the bedroom was only a few feet away.
“I like how you didn’t tell the world about what we did in the bedroom,” I said.
“That was private. Just for us.”
I nodded. “Although some of those stories did have some pretty good ideas. Did you read through all of them?”
“Not all, just one. The one in the locker room what finally convinced me to make a move. I couldn’t stand to be apart from you anymore after I read that.”
“Which one in the locker room? That description covers about half of them.”
“Doesn’t matter. Let’s go make up a new story.” He laughed. “But let’s not write it down.”
We moved into the bedroom then, shutting Buddy out with a quick apology. I glanced around curiously. I’d never been in here before, and Calvin’s personality was evident from the classic furniture and the tasteful, understated decorations.
“Make yourself at home,” he said, seeing me looking around. “If I have my way, you’re going to be spending a lot of time here from now on.”
“I’ll take the grand tour later,” I said, flopping down onto the bed. “I’ve been craving you ever since last time.”
He came onto the bed, crawling toward me with the sweetest little smile. “Have you?”
“And now that we’re here…” Now that I knew he loved me too… “I plan to get my fill of you.”
The tingling was already starting in my groin, and my cock swelled easily as I saw the hungry look on his face. I had never felt quite like this toward another person—none of the girls I’d hooked up with had made me feel anything close.
I wasn’t horny exactly. There was a need to be touched, to kiss and caress. But the driving force behind them wasn’t the need to get off. The possible climax was far from my mind. Rather, I wanted to be intimate with Calvin… to show him how much I loved him.
And from the way he was looking at me, he felt the same. His eyes were hungry, his teeth digging into his bottom lip—but he was taking his time going about things. He climbed above me and ground against me, pressing his torso and the entire length of his body against mine. Then he sat up and straddled me, grinding against me, his cock moving in a long, deliberate line, sliding the length of mine.
He chuckled softly, and I frowned. “Something funny?”
He reached out to cup my chin. “Just that we’re finally rubbing dicks.”
I rolled my eyes, and then I pulled him down to kiss him again, sliding my tongue deep into his mouth. He could laugh if he wanted, but I wasn’t going to let him forget that we were in bed together—finally.
Now that he’d had his little joke, Calvin sat back and started to pull off my clothes, one article at a time. I licked my lips as I watched his face, so intent and careful. I wondered what he had in mind. I knew what I wanted, but I’d see where he was going first.
This already felt different from the other times we’d been together. It was still daylight outside, which seemed significant somehow—we were bringing our relationship into the light. The homiemoon was over, we were back in the real world, and we were still together. That definitely meant something.
Once Calvin had me down to my boxers, I tried to strip him down as well. He let me take off his shirt, but resisted when I tried to do anything more than that. “This is about you right now,” he told me. “I was an ass. I have a lot to make up for.”
“No, you don’t. Calvin, we were equally to blame—”
I was cut off when he pulled my cock free and his hand slid along my shaft.
I could barely breathe, and he was hardly even touching me. I lay back and groaned as he made his way between my legs. But he wasn’t going to go down on me, not yet. It seemed that he wanted to make me wait first. All he did was spit into his palm and rub it on me, the slickness making his hand slide easily down my length.
With less friction, the feeling was even better. I bucked my hips up and into his hand, wishing he’d tighten his fingers or put his mouth on me—something, anything to make this more intense.
But he took a moment to stay like that, looking deeply into my eyes as I writhed at his mercy. I still only saw climax as a distant goal, but fuck, in that moment he had me hard and throbbing for him.
“What are you doing to me?” I finally asked.
“Sorry,” he said, looking guilty. “I’m just enjoying watching your face. But I can go down on you if you want.”
“Yeah, I want.”
Then his mouth was on me, soft brushes with his tongue at first—as if I needed to be tortured any more—but after a few seconds of that, he gave in and wrapped his lips around me, taking me as deep as he could. Ecstasy rushed through my body, and I sat up enough to look into his eyes.
Even now he was watching me closely, those brown eyes expressive enough to tell me everything he was thinking. I caressed his hair, wanting to let him know that I loved what he was doing. That I loved him, also.
The blow job went on and on. I eased myself back down to the mattress, letting my head fall against the sheets. Every so often, I thought about stopping him, but this felt too damn good. We could do other things later.
I felt so close to him, closer than I ever had before. The words we exchanged tonight had brought a whole new level to our intimacy. I reached down to touch his shoulder, and when he gave me his hand, I squeezed it and held on.
There was an ease between us now that I knew he loved me. I had the subtle feeling that everything would be all right. Even my heart was somehow calmer.
Stars appeared behind my eyelids, sometimes shining bright and sometimes simply exploding. Calvin had me ready to burst, and yet at the same time I felt like I could keep going like this for hours.
At last he made a little noise that made me worry he was tired—his jaw had to be getting sore by now, after the unknown amount of time he’d been down there.
I pushed his head back, wriggling away from him. “That was fucking amazing.”
He pressed against my hand, trying to bring his mouth back to my cock. Even as I backed up, he tried to follow after me.
“What, you’re tired?” he asked, still eyeing my cock hungrily.
“I’m not, but there’s a few things I’d like to do to you.” I pointed at his pants. “You’re going to need to take this off for me, please.”
Although he gave one last lingering glance, he stood and shed the rest of his clothes. Then he was nude before me, and I let out a small gasp as I took in his glorious form.
Yes, we’d already had sex, but at this point that was only a memory, and I’d spent a week believing it would never be repeated. The night we were camping had been immortalized in my brain.
Now I saw all the details I hadn’t realized I’d forgotten: the cleft on either side of his
hips, the gracefulness of his collarbone. My mouth watered as I surveyed his body, looking at him from head to toe.
It truly baffled me how I’d never realized before that a man could be attractive. Still, I knew I’d chosen the right one. Calvin was the only man for me—the only person, too. And as excited as I was for our lovemaking tonight, I also knew we would be sharing many, many more sessions like it in the future.
Calvin kept staring into my eyes as he started to finger his hole with one hand, stroking his cock with the other. I gazed at him longingly, already dying to be inside him.
One day soon, we could switch positions. I wanted to experience him in every way possible. And although I was a little scared, I had seen just how good being taken could be for the guy on the receiving end.
But tonight wasn’t about pushing boundaries. Tonight was about celebrating our union, and if this way was easier for now, I was more than happy with that.
Calvin slipped a third finger inside himself, and I brought myself onto my knees. Lying him down, I sat with one leg on either side of him. He grabbed the necessary items from the side table, getting me prepared while I took over the task of opening him.
The ring of muscle was tight around my fingers, and it felt so good to have some part of me inside him that I almost didn’t want to take them out. I loved the look on Calvin’s face as I pushed gently against his spot. But once he had the condom on me, I eased those fingers out and made my way forward.
He arched his hips up, bringing his ass up to meet me. I lined myself up, and with a slow, smooth thrust, I seated myself inside.
“Oh, fuck,” I breathed at the same time as Calvin let out a low hiss.
His walls were so tight around me, his body so freaking hot. I clutched onto his waist, my fingers digging in as I pushed myself even further inside. I dropped my head to his chest, giving in to the intensity for a long moment before I started to move again.
When I did, I went slow, still a little worried I’d hurt Calvin. More than that, I wanted to keep far away from orgasm. I felt even closer to him than I had a few minutes ago, and I wanted to draw this moment out as long as humanly possible.