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The Homiemoon Page 14
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Page 14
Red spots were appearing in Calvin’s cheeks, his lips parting although he didn’t make a sound. I gazed at him lovingly, content that I was able to bring this pleasure to him. I sank into him again, slowly, deeply, knowing he was completely under my control.
He reached up, his arms looping around my neck. The kiss he gave me when he brought me down was sensual and passionate. The kiss couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. It was the kiss of a man in love.
Our tongues melded, our lips and teeth playfully getting in on the action. I kept my mouth on his as I drove into him languorously, my torso gliding against his, his cock stiff between the two of us.
“More,” he breathed as I tried to pull away.
I laid several kisses on his neck and jaw, and then I gave him what he wanted. I picked up speed, driving into him with increased urgency. I needed him right now like I needed air. As much as I’d wanted to hold off, I couldn’t when he was kissing me like that. The climax I hadn’t been thinking about was approaching, getting closer with every moment.
Part of me wanted to pause and appreciate the moment—all the things that had happened to bring me to this place. In all my years, I’d never seen this coming. And now that I was here, it felt so natural that I didn’t know how I hadn’t seen it before.
But rather than dwelling on this, I kept myself in the here and now. All I had to do was look at the bead of sweat at the base of Calvin’s neck, or the way he kept licking his lips, or the slight furrow in his brow. I loved this man, and I didn’t care about anything else right now.
I pulled away, straightening myself enough to take hold of Calvin’s cock. I caressed it lightly, but when I was fucking him in earnest, he put his hand over mine, tightening my fingers and forcing me to jerk him faster.
“I’m getting close,” he said, his words coming out in a jumble.
I loved the way I did that to him. I loved seeing how he was going out of his mind. And I couldn’t wait to see him let go completely.
“Yes,” I said, closing my fist and pumping it harder. I drove into that tight, hot opening, my eyes closing with sheer ecstasy. “Come for me.”
He nodded tightly, his features contorting as he began to climax. The contractions around me didn’t slow my rhythm… but the waves of pleasure threatened to overtake me.
I kept thrusting until the last of Calvin’s seed was spilled.
And when I exploded too, all I could think of was how good it felt to be together.
It was nearly half past eight by the time Adam and I knocked on Mikey’s door. Kim was the one who opened it. I snuck a glance at her still perfectly flat stomach, curious when she’d start showing.
She pointed us toward the basement—as if we didn’t know the way by now. The two of them had been in this house for ages now, since well before their wedding. I briefly wondered if our friends would ever know the way around a home the two of us would share. If we’d get that far… and if they’d accept our relationship enough.
Adam’s hand sought out mine as we made our way down the stairs. I stepped on a creaky one and he let go immediately. It wasn’t time yet for the others to see.
“Hey, homies!” Mikey called out. “You made it.”
His eyes were slightly glazed—I guessed the beer was already flowing. A quick glance at the table confirmed it was half-covered in empties. I took a seat, and Adam grabbed a drink for each of us before sliding in beside me.
“Deal us in,” I told Dan. He passed us five cards each, and I instantly grinned. Three of a kind! Hiding the cards in my lap, I put on my best poker face.
“How’s things?” Adam asked the group, still looking at his cards.
“Great,” Dan said. “How’s our favorite homies?”
I looked at him sideways. “We’re good,” I said. “Why?”
He swigged from his beer. “Everything’s been good since you went beyond the bounds of male friendship?”
A few of the others snorted, and I glared around the table. “Excuse me?”
I knew fully well what Dan was quoting from. But he couldn’t have seen that. Right? That story had been for Adam’s eyes only.
Although it had also been posted publicly online… on a site that Tim’s wife apparently knew about…
My stomach dropped, and I shared an anxious glance with Adam. They knew.
When I managed to glance over to Tim, he looked apologetic. “Tiffany didn’t want to tell me what she was so excited about, but I really wanted to know.”
“And life partners don’t keep secrets from each other,” Mikey added with a snort. “You two must know that, right?”
“Why was she so excited?” Adam asked fearfully.
“Seems her favorite imaginary couple got together in real life.” Tim’s lips tugged upward. “Seems her favorite website was exploding over the whole thing.”
Another anxious glance. I hadn’t been on the Homiemoon forum since posting that story, and I doubted Adam had either. We’d been pretty busy together, in bed… and on the desk… and in the shower…
“What…” I stared around again, still unable to process any of this. “So you guys already know? We were going to tell you tonight.”
“We’re just surprised we didn’t figure it out sooner.” Mikey gave Adam a good-humored slap on the arm. “Now, tell us, how long have the two of you been eye-fucking each other?”
“Eye-fucking!” Adam sputtered.
“Slow down,” I said, biting my lip. “You guys don’t care?”
“What do you think we are, a bunch of homophobes?” Mikey asked.
“I wish I’d thought of it first!” Dan burst out. “Why fuck with marriage and babies when I could’ve just hooked up with my buddy?” He elbowed Rich in the ribs.
Tim snorted. “You do realize hooking up involves, uh, hooking up?”
“We could’ve made it work.” Dan laughed extra-loud so we’d all know he was only kidding.
Rich elbowed him back. “And there’s always divorce.” Those who were laughing stopped, and he quickly yanked his arm away.
“Seriously, guys,” Tim said. “We love you. Yeah, I said it. Don’t care if it sounds gay. We fucking love you—as bros—and we want you to be happy, all right?”
My throat was closing up, my eyes feeling oddly watery. I nodded instead of speaking, my hand finding Adam’s under the table.
Grabbing his beer, Mikey raised an eyebrow at us. “We would ask more questions about how it happened, but we already have all the details we needed, thanks to a certain story posted online.”
Oh, God. I’d never been more relieved I’d left the precise details out.
Dan raised his arms like Romeo addressing Juliet, his voice going falsetto. “But Adam, if you’re reading this…”
“Oh, God!” I covered my face with my hands.
“I lo-o-ove you,” Rich picked up. “And if by some chance you feel the same…”
“Not you, too,” Adam said.
“I didn’t think it was true,” Rich said in his normal voice. “Couldn’t picture it happening. But you two should’ve seen the looks on your faces!” He exploded in laughter.
“Don’t worry, they’re going to later.” Tiffany stepped out from behind the stairs with her phone pointed at us. “The entire forum is going to absolutely flip!”
“Are you even serious?” I asked, gaping at her. “I haven’t told my family yet. Or my coworkers…”
Visions of everyone finding out flashed through my mind. My breath caught in my throat, my heart suddenly pounding. Surely Tiffany wouldn’t be so cruel. Surely Tim would be able to stop her.
“Better get on that soon,” Tiffany said with a smirk. “Consider this payback for ruining my wedding.”
Tiffany’s video of us didn’t make the Internet explode… but it came pretty close.
She gave us a few days to come out to whoever else needed
to know. That meant both of our families, for one thing. So that was a tiny bit stressful.
If it’d gone horribly, she would’ve probably been understanding and held off on posting the video—or not posted it at all. But both our families were pretty decent about it. Calvin’s had suspected something all along, and while they weren’t ecstatic about it, they’d had time to get used to the idea.
My parents never would’ve guessed. And for good reason—I hadn’t, either. They truly didn’t care, though. They were just happy I’d found someone. Apparently they’d been worried I’d die alone. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
So with that done, Tiffany went ahead and posted the video directly on the Homiemoon forum. It quickly got reposted on YouTube, where it reached a larger audience. Our story got picked up by a bunch of news outlets, who apparently had nothing better to report on. And they all mentioned that the video came from the forum—which meant more and more people joined to “ship” us, making videos and writing fanfiction about our actual lives.
Our new fame took a bit of getting used to. I didn’t mind it, most of the time. It was weird as hell to know people were out there fantasizing about us. But the fantasies were kind of flattering. I mean, one writer described me as having a “the divine face of a Greek hero paired with a brawny, robust body made for fighting and fucking.”
So yeah, I was okay with it… especially when Calvin and I read the stories in bed together. They were an endless source of new ideas. And I had a feeling the authors would be more than happy if they knew what we were doing.
This particular morning, about a month after the video release, I was over at Calvin’s place. It was almost eleven on a Sunday, which meant I’d been up for a few hours, whereas Calvin was just waking up.
I still teased him mercilessly about his late-sleeping ways. But having opposite schedules was actually kind of nice. I got some alone time before he woke up, and he got his after I went to sleep. It was one more way that we just fit together. And with the amount of time we were spending at each other’s apartments, getting that time to ourselves could’ve been difficult otherwise.
Buddy sat by the bed, occasionally whining for attention. I flicked the tip of his ear back and forth as I called out to Calvin, who was brushing his teeth. “You’ll never believe what this story has us doing.”
Damn, he looked so good from this angle. With the bathroom door open, I could see his broad back along with half of his front in the mirror. I sat up further, straining to see more. “They have us on an airplane, for starters.”
Calvin spat in the sink. “Going where?”
“Don’t know. Doesn’t matter. Just listen. We start giving each other hand jobs under the blanket.”
He rinsed. “How do we get away with that?”
“I don’t know. It’s an overnight flight or something. Anyway, we get too turned on to continue like that, and we decide to head into the bathroom to keep things going.”
“So we can suck each other off?” He dropped onto the bed beside me.
I inhaled sharply. I still got overwhelmed every time he got close to me. It took me a moment to remember to answer his question. “Yeah, that,” I said. “But get this. After a couple minutes, the flight attendant figures it out, and he knocks on the door to come join us.”
“The fuck?” Calvin grabbed my phone and tossed it aside. “I don’t like this story.”
“Really? You wouldn’t be up for bathroom sex?”
“Not with another person involved,” he growled. “Why? Is this your way of telling me you want a threeway? Because it’s not happening.”
“I just thought it was funny…”
Now he looked concerned. “Seriously, you don’t want one, do you? I mean, you’ve never been with another guy. If you really wanted to try it, I could try to be okay with it. I’d probably end up stabbing myself in the eyes, but…”
“No! Keep your eyes, please.” I grabbed his hands as if he’d been about to do it right now. “I thought it was silly and cheesy. That’s all.”
“Well, all right.”
A lonely whine came from beside the bed. Poor Buddy, I’d been neglecting him. When I waved my hand, he came right under it, and I started giving him a head massage.
“Want to kick the dog out?” Calvin murmured into my ear. “I want to make sure you know who you belong to.”
I laughed softly, but I got up and deposited Buddy outside the room. He scratched at the door as I walked back to Calvin, but gave up by the time I laced my arms around his neck.
“I don’t want anybody but you,” I told him. “No man, no woman…” I placed a kiss on his neck between each word. “No plant, animal, vegetable, or mineral.”
“What about aliens?”
“None of them, either.”
He chuckled—then gasped when I hit a particularly good spot. I pressed my lips to his, already getting turned on. He did that to me so easily, often without even trying. Sometimes I just had to look at him, and I’d be hard. Or I’d hear the sound of his voice when I wasn’t expecting it, and boom! I was like a rock.
“So you want to give each other hand jobs under the blanket?” he murmured, then nibbled at my collarbone.
“That sounds good,” I said. “As long as no random guys are going to come knocking on the door halfway through.”
“The only one who’s going to be coming here is me.” He paused. “And you. Definitely you.” He put his hand under the blanket, taking hold of me with a firm grip. “In fact, let’s make sure you come first.”
“All right,” I said. “I’m okay with that.”
I arched up and into his hand, glad I was already naked. I was aching for his touch—and to have him inside me.
I’d first tried bottoming a week or two ago, and holy hell, I was glad I had. I’d been a little afraid, but once I got over that, it was unbelievable. I still liked topping, of course. There was pretty much no activity where I wouldn’t enjoy being in close proximity with Calvin’s cock.
Taking his other hand, I slid it underneath me until his eyes widened in comprehension. The tip of one finger delved inside me, loosening me up until I was ready for the rest of it, and then another. This got easier every time.
He grabbed condoms and lube, getting himself ready while I reclined on my back and stroked myself. I was already well worked-up by the time he pulled my hips up and set himself between my thighs.
Then we groaned in unison as he sank into me, burying himself deep within my core. My body welcomed him inside, and I lifted my legs higher for him, crossing my ankles at the small of his back.
“We could try coming at the same time,” I told him through ragged breaths. “That way is always fun.”
With a low grunt, he shook his head. “No… I want you to come first.”
He pulled out enough to plunge into me again, faster and sharper this time. I cried out, my fingernails digging into his shoulders. Coming first was not going to be a problem. Even this early in our lovemaking, even without touching my cock, he had me nearly ready to explode.
How, how did he fit so perfectly within me? He was far from small, and although he stretched me as he filled me up, there was only the slightest pain in it—far surpassed by the amount of pleasure.
“You’re not far off,” I said, still clawing at him with every thrust he gave me. “You want to make me come? Make me come.”
He sped up the rhythm, drilling into me while he stared straight into my eyes. His gaze penetrated me so forcefully, I almost wanted to roll my head and look away. But that gaze held me, and I understood now that I had no other choice but to let him in.
“Yes,” I panted, holding onto him, holding him within me. “Almost there.”
He gave a low growl and dropped his head to my neck. His teeth sank into the flesh there, making me writhe below him. I held tighter, gripping him so hard I was sure I’d draw blood. I closed my eyes briefly, focusing on the sensation of his cock slamming into me.
br /> That was why I didn’t see it coming when his fist wrapped around my erection. I screamed as I convulsed, his rough strokes sending me over the edge.
He followed soon after, slowing as he shot his load inside me. Then the two of us slumped to the bed, a tangle of limbs and sweat and cum.
“So, no need for a third person?” he asked, biting my ear.
I licked his nose. “Not a damn chance.”
Rumbling synth sounds and a humming bass blasted from the speakers, and then Lady Gaga’s voice belted out the words—again. “I was born this way, I was born this way…”
Adam grinned and stuck out his tongue at me as he danced and lip-synched along. In response, I rolled my eyes and turned to face the crowd. I’d liked this song a lot more before I got on this float. They’d been playing it on loop, and hearing it ten times in a row was a good way to ruin it forever.
According to Adam, Pride was an important experience for two newly-out guys. Even though it’d actually been almost a year since we came out, I’d given in without too much fuss. It was always hard to say no to him. Plus I’d secretly liked the idea of him dancing shirtless in the sun.
Our friends had even come along, bringing their wives—although all of them were fully dressed. Like our families, they’d been supportive ever since we came out. We got our share of teasing, but it was always in good humor. It made me wonder why I’d ever been so afraid to let anyone know who I really was in the first place.
From up here, I couldn’t hear much of what the people below were saying. There were so many of them, anyway—the crowds at this thing were huge. Everyone was enthusiastic, though, so I did my best to smile and dance despite the headache the heat was bringing on.
Adam did look just as cute as I’d anticipated. The light sheen of sweat on his face made his freckles glow. He was wearing only tiny gold shorts, and they shimmered in the sun. So did the glitter he’d put all over his chest and arms.